Monday, August 25, 2008

Cute Hair Cuts: Do you want to lose weight?

HI there,

I just thought I would tell all my cute hair cuts fans about a FREE e-Book that I got my hands on about a month ago. I followed what it said and lost 2inches off my hips in 2weeks.

So all those who have some weight to shift, or want to get more toned. You should definately download this book, your be amazed by what it says. Its not about dieting, its about what you should change to make yourself as healthy as possible.

Enjoy cute hair cuts

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Cute Hair Cuts Newsletter

Cute Hair Cuts News,

I know most of your on here come through from image search so are obviously looking for hair cut inspiration. I am finding it annoying haven't to just post one picture a time up on my blogs. So I am starting a Cute Hair Cuts newsletter where you'll be emailed about once a month with all the latest celebrity hair cuts. Not only this, because I am in the beauty and hair care industry I receive a lot of discounted offers, information on free products that kind of thing.

Now Im not going to be selfish anymore and keep them to myself. BUT I am not just going to post them on here for everyone to see. If you want this then you have to show me it by submitting your details. Then I will know that you are really interested.

I won't be emailing you all the time, trust me! Im far to busy lol. But I will forward on any bonuses, discounts, useful information I know will benefit you.

So let me know if you want this by submitting today on the right! Thanks cute hair cut fans. xx

Monday, August 11, 2008

Cute Hair Cuts: Accessories

Hey girls, I just won a really cool competition and got myself some REAL ugg boots. I don't know about you but they are soooo comfy and they look amazing!! Maybe just what you need for the new school year. If you want to have a look where I got them from then check out the link below. Full of great style information for cute hair cuts.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Cute Hair Cuts: advice

Hey Girls, so now it is summer, how are you doing with your cute hair cuts? This is the time of year that I want to have an easy hair style to manage. Going to the beach all the time, in and out of the sea, in the sun, the last thing I want is my bangs sticking to my head.

So I ensure that I have bangs long enough to clip back. I have also taught myself to french plait which is an excellant way to keep your hair looking fab in hot summer days. Its also nice when you take it out as its all wavy and looks really natural.

I also make sure my hair is long enough to plait, and tie back. Thats some summer advice for cute hair cuts.