Monday, July 28, 2008

Cute Hair Cuts: Amendments

Ok, so I have some new inspiration for you which will help you get your perfect cute hair cuts. Check it out on my Cute Hair Cuts formula book, at least read what it contains, you'll be suprised in what you will learn.

I always try and get the best information out to your girls, so you don't have to stress anymore about getting a new hair cut. So have a read of cute hair cuts formula.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Know what Cute Hair Cuts will suit you before your go for the snip!

I have spent months trying to get the relevant information and inspiration that I need to get a great haircut, as there is soo much info out there how do you know whats good advice and whats not??

Well during this time I have learnt the knowledge needed to ensure I know where the best inspirational ideas come from and how this is used to get myself the perfect hair cut. I thought it would be kind of selfish of me keeping it to myself so I decided to put it all in a E-book for everyone to make use of all the great information I have found. I am really proud of my E-Book and really hope you girls will love it to. So check it ou and let me know what you think.

The Cute Hair Cuts Formula

Friday, July 11, 2008

Cute Hair Cuts advice 1

Bad cute hair cuts days and Self esteem

We all have them so what can we do to make them not so bad?

Make sure your hair is well cared for, always healthy. Do this by investing in a great conditioner.

Keep the split ends trimmed.

Make sure your hair cut is easy to maintain, to help with these days.

In the cold use a dryer sheet used in the laundry to remove the static from your hair, therefore making your hairstyle just as easy to manage with the frizz.

More tips on cute hair cuts to come.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Hot celebrity hairstyles on cute hair cuts

Cute hair cuts, celebrity hair styles for the summer are easy. For me, I hate having bangs or any hair in my face in the hot summer months, so I grow my winter hair out . A lot of celebrities do this also, although they are very lucky that they have stylists to help them out all the time. You can still have maximum glam styles with good manageability, just make sure you have many clips, hair bands and grips to keep the hair out of your face. As for colour let the sun die your hair, if your dark brown like me, you'll notice your hair get lighter! There are may celebrity cute hair cuts picutres around for you to look at their hairstyles.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Help from you cute hair cut fans

Hi I have added another poll as I just find it really interesting on what advice your looking for when it comes to cute hair cuts and hairstyles. So if you wouldn't mind spending a couple of seconds of your time voting for me! I promise all of this is to ensure I get enough information to know what you want from cute hair cuts!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Cute Hair cuts: Choose a style that lets hair do what it wants.

I found this great tip on when looking for inspiration on cut hair cuts it is best to choose a style that lets your hair do what it naturally does. So for instance:

Fine Hair: This has the appearance of softness and can be really feminine. If you do want it to look thicker though, have curls but in or layer it up.

Course Hair: Has a really heavy look that makes a statement, If you have course hair it is best to to shape it to your faceshape to control the hair. Definitely consider getting it coloured as this will soften the appearance and fill in the split ends.

Straight hair: Can be thick or thin but when it is in great condition it gives the look of a shimmering sheet of hair. A straight blunt cut is best to create this, at any length that is best for your face shape. Layers or a wave will create more movement and curlers will help add height if your face shape requires this. I really like the straight hair cut below, layers around the face create a frame and movement. I wish my hair looked this good in the sea!

Curly Hair: Is probably the most versatile, you can leave it loose and curly, use rollers to adjust the curl tightness or blow dry it straight. Having curls is also great as lots of things can be done to make sure your hair is suiting your face shape.

More tips coming soon on cute hair cuts!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Sponsored links on Cute Hair Cuts

You will see all my sponsored links on Cute Hair Cuts after every post I make. Through research these are the most relevant sponsered links that google has picked out for you.

P.s I added this picute as I thought it was a good vast selection of Celebrity cute hair cuts, please feel free to leave me comments on particular ideas you want.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Long Hair Cuts info at Cute Hair Cuts

Hey here on cute hair cuts I try to give advice to you all out there, so I have added a post to long hair cuts info. Please understand that hair is such a broad topic and over time this site will have SO much information for all of you out there. So keep checking back.

Picture: Elle McPhearson, cute hair cuts for round faces.

There is a lot of information advertised on the net, I tried to get the best of it on these pages for you, so take your time have a look through, click on pages, links etc to see where it takes you. I am pretty sure you will find your cute hair cuts from snoopy around the sites, so enjoy!!

Offer for Cute Hair Cuts!

Hey those nice people at thehairstyler have sent me this amazing offer for my readings. I keep going on bout this website but for this price you'll be crazy not to give it a go.

10% off all orders! Use coupon code SUMMERHAIR at sign-up. Expires July 31.

Check it out anyway, have a play around with the demo and don't forget the coupon!! Thanks, Cute Hair Cuts team xxx